

Img 3631NOURISH THE SOUL... Studies have shown that students enrolled in Catholic schools achieve academic excellence and growth in both social skills and interpersonal development. These outcomes are due in part to the expectations of the school, the parents and the teachers. The discipline and order found in Catholic schools, coupled with the common values existing between the schools and the families attending them, ensure uncommon success.

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL provides a Catholic education that is based on Christian values and the belief that every student has the ability to achieve a quality education.  The school sets high academic standards and offers a low teacher pupil ratio in a safe and secure facility in addition to special classes including Art, Music, PE, Spanish and STREAM. The faculty and staff are caring and committed to the development of each student's potential.

Preschool – Specially designed for 4-year-old students

The full-day preschool program at Holy Trinity Catholic School is often a child’s first exposure to a classroom setting and the teachers are well versed in helping students learn “how to be in school.” Through lots of play and hands-on, engaging activities full of art, music, and movement, our youngest students discover the world around them in a safe and nurturing environment. They explore various reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and religion concepts, in addition to developing their fine and gross motor skills. Students in our K4 preschool class receive weekly instruction in Art, Music, Second Step, STREAM+, and Physical Education. They also have frequent free and structured play times as well as a daily rest time after lunch. Our preschool program is registered with DSS and strictly adheres to the rules and regulations set forth by them. We are also a First Steps K4 provider. Students in our K4 preschool classroom must be four years old by September 1 in order to enroll. They must also be fully potty-trained and able to follow basic instructions.


Kindergarten at Holy Trinity Catholic School is the first step from early childhood to elementary education. Teachers in our Kindergarten classroom provide a variety of engaging, hands-on activities that are specifically designed to strengthen students’ skills in all academic areas including math, reading, writing, science, social studies, and religion. Students also receive weekly instruction in Art, Music, Spanish, STREAM+, and Physical Education. Our Kindergarten classroom is a fun and active one as students explore and make connections to the world around them. Students in our Kindergarten classroom must be five years old by September 1 in order to enroll. They must have basic self-help skills and the ability follow basic instructions. 

WorthThe course of study at Holy Trinity Catholic School follows the curriculum guidelines of the Diocese of Charleston and the State of South Carolina. Our educational mission is based on the Christian principle, “to teach as Jesus did.” Christian values are central to our academic program along with the spiritual, academic, physical, creative, and emotional development of each student. Our curriculum is a fully integrated program. To help meet the needs of our students, classroom teacher-student ratios are kept low, instruction is differentiated for each student, and the services of remedial teachers are available.

Our preschool program is registered with DSS and is operated by qualified teachers who provide a variety of educational opportunities, as well as plenty of time for rest and free play.

Technology is an integral part of the learning experience at Holy Trinity Catholic School. Computers and SMART Boards in every classroom assist students to meet the many challenges of today’s technological world.

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K4 TechTechnology is incorporated throughout the day and in many different classroom activities at Holy Trinity. In a time when technology is constantly changing, these students' are the ones who will be inventing and using today's technology the most.

Grades K4-5th will learn how to use a mouse, type with both hands, utilize Google Suite, e-mail, websites, and iPads. They will also learn about internet searching, internet safety, and what to do about cyber-bullying.

Every classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and students utilize technology for MAP testing three times per year.  We have a 1:1 ratio so that every student has access to a Chromebook in grades K-5th.  K4 has access to a class set of Ipads.

ReadingReading is an integral part of the curriculum here at Holy Trinity Catholic School.

Students visit the library weekly to check out books and to participate in various literacy based activities. Research shows that students who read frequently, perform better across all subjects areas.


430842174 816015230550140 3927164279008559020 NStudents from PK through 5th Grade attend music class every week where they participate in a variety of activities including singing, acting, playing instruments, and movement. They enjoy learning about different types of music and artists.

There is a school choir which is open to students from Grades 2 to 5. Once a week after school students in the choir meet to practice songs for school masses and other special events. The goal for the group is to praise God through music.

Img 9013The focus of the elementary physical education program is the introduction and exploration of physical skills and concepts. As an integral part of the early childhood and elementary school program that uniquely contributes to the school’s overall goals, physical education emphasizes the child’s physical, motor, cognitive, social, and emotional development. ​

It is critical at the elementary level that students be guided through a series of developmentally appropriate experiences. These activities promote a desire to engage in physical activities, develop a sense of self-worth, encourage cooperation and self-control, and lead to choices that promote a healthy life style.

ArtArtistic expression is very important at Holy Trinity. Part of our mission statement says that we work to develop the whole child, including his/her creativity. Through various activities in the art studio, students learn about different artists and genre. They develop their own artistic talents and create many beautiful pieces of art throughout the school year.

HeadForeign Language's embrace a broad spectrum of communication skills utilizing the five C’s of essential foreign language education: Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons and Community. The goal of this curriculum is to develop positive attitudes and excitement toward exploring the Spanish language and culture. ​

Through the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, students are able to broaden their awareness, acceptance and understanding of the Hispanic culture.

Img 3834Community Service projects are vital to building a community of faith which is a hallmark of Catholic School education therefore, Community Service is an integral part of the educational program at Holy Trinity Catholic School. It helps students acquire an awareness of those in need and Jesus’ call to serve others. It also helps them develop the skills, virtues, and habits of heart and mind required for effective service.

Students are encouraged to make a difference in our world by serving those in need. Service projects in which Holy Trinity Catholic School students are engaged include: food drives for the benefit of Our Lady Star of the Sea’s Outreach Program, writing notes to the homebound, collecting items for Helping Hands, serving at Knights of Columbus dinner/dances, Operation Christmas Child, and participation in other local programs.


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National Beta Club