Growing in SC STREAM

Our high school STREAM, ceramics and chemistry classes have been very busy working on the first stages of implementing the Growing in SC grant that we were graciously awarded last school year. Student in Mrs. Cravin’s classes have been constructing leaf pressed bowls, platters and trays the last couple of weeks. Today students worked on constructing 129 test tiles that will be bisque fired in our kiln over the weekend. Each tile is numbered and will coincide with a particular glaze recipe and or layering order. These tiles will serve as color swatches for the ceramic glazes that Mr. Poland’s chemistry class will begin to prepare and mix over the next few classes. It’s an exciting time to see all the color combinations, textures, styles and types the students can create by adjusting the chemicals in the glaze recipes and the order the glazes are applied. Once glazed and fired the chemical reaction is magical!

October 29, 2020 - 1:53pm

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